Information Systems

London school of Economics 2001


This research uses supplier focused, user focused and fads and fashions perspectives as a theoretical base to analyse the causes of the slower than expected rate of adoption of ASPs. It places an emphasis in the limitations of frameworks to study innovations under strong evolutionary processes such as ASPs. It has been found that many simplistic assumptions were made in the ASPs design and that unexpected complexity was discovered when unpacking the ASP 'black box'. It also analyses the problems in finding attributes for the ASP concept as it is mixed with the technology, software or system that it delivers. The role of professional organisations and the communications media in setting a fashion for ASPs is studied. It is found that media created an excellent start for a strong fashion but this did not translate in high adoption rates for the technology. The main causes for this are the errors in the underlying assumptions of the first wave of ASPs. The research also identifies the possible influence of the lack of support by professional organisations in triggering a second stage in the fashion setting process that could have lead to higher adoption rates. Finally, due to significant interests dependent on the eventual success of ASPs, the general concept has not been abandoned. Fashion setters have been successful in preventing the ASP brand from acquiring a bad reputation as a failed innovation. This may give a newer and improved version of ASP the change to succeed.


The value of technology standards, the effect of European IS Policy and the success of GSM.

This essay will discuss the value of setting technological standards to obtain harmonization the market, which can make a given system successful and create a competitive environment in the industrial sector that produces the hardware/software or provides the services for this information system. It will also discuss the role that governments play in helping setting these standards. In particular I will concentrate in the discussion on the example of the GSM network in Europe and the effects of the adoption of a European standard in the larger and earlier success of mobile telephony in Europe in comparison with the United States. I also include a brief discussion about whether a similar approach could had been used to create the basis for a standard in the European/World operating system market to avoid monopolistic practices executed by companies that have managed to position their proprietary technology as a de facto standard.


The success of Napster beyond music piracy

This essay analyses the most important factors, beyond that of providing a vehicle for music piracy, which have fueled the success of the Napster music-sharing network. It argues that these factors have had a decisive effect on the strong position achieved by Napster. It also argues that a Napster-like music trading service incorporating some kind of payment form but based on the same principles as the original Napster, could be the best way for the music industry to take advantage of the irreversible trend created by information technologies in the distribution of digital good and music in particular .



Magazine style article of the possible developments and challenges presented but the possibility of a 'CyberWar'
